Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A day in the life

When I took this picture I changed the ISO to 800. I did this because the lighting was kind of dark and also because there was nothing moving in the picture that I was taking. When editing the picture I changed the contrast so it was higher but also made the picture darker because it turned out a little bit too light. I also cropped a little bit of the image off the side because I thought it was unnecessary and wanted the picture to better follow the rule of thirds.
When changing the contrast I thought it was kind of difficult because it added unrealistic colors to the image and made it too bright in parts. Because of these difficulties I decided to make the image darker. Doing this made the image and colors in the image look more realistic and also more dramatic at the same time. I think the colors in this image turned out very well in the end.
During the editing process of this image I realized there was a lot of extra space of the top and right side of the image. I thought cropping off some of this extra space would make the image look better as a whole. I also think by doing this it made the image more closely follow the rule of thirds. I dont think I would change anything about this image because I really like the way it turned out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

artist statement

I create art because I like being creative and making things that are visually appealing. To me art means a lot of different things and can mean different things to different people. I think, overall, art is exression, in any way the artist chooses to express themselves. What inspires me is cheerleading, music, and people that are the best at what they do. I like looking at and taking pictures of cheerleading or dancing and other things that have to do with things that I do daily. So far, my work has included things from photography one and photography two and during this semester I hope to create more visually appealing things that reflect my interests and ideas.
Jack Brauer photography all have to do with nature and things in nature that people wouldnt see in their everyday lives. In his photos he adds contrast and colors to make the pictures more interesting. I really like the artists choice of material and artistic process.